© KUROMUKURO Production Committee

Height: 1,140 meters. Width: 1,000 meters
Efi Dorg’s standard amphibious spaceship loaded with 90 spacecrafts including the commander craft. Anti-gravity propulsion enables travel at near-speed of light.
First thought to be a meteorite, the SPACESHIP was quickly pulled into the earth’s orbit when it decelerated and changed course.

When the ISS was destroyed, the U.S. considered intercepting it with an ICBM, but decided against it for fear of provoking other nuclear powers around the world.


Height: 1,140 meters. Width: 1,000 meters
Efi Dorg’s standard amphibious spaceship loaded with 90 spacecrafts including the commander craft. Anti-gravity propulsion enables travel at near-speed of light.
First thought to be a meteorite, the SPACESHIP was quickly pulled into the earth’s orbit when it decelerated and changed course.

When the ISS was destroyed, the U.S. considered intercepting it with an ICBM, but decided against it for fear of provoking other nuclear powers around the world.

©KUROMUKURO Production Committee